Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Break Anticipation!

I cannot wait until Friday, October 15! That will be the last day of midterms for me, and the beginning of my fall break! I am very excited about my four day weekend. On Friday I will be going on a road trip with my fiance, and our brother and sister in Christ who also happen to be another young, engaged couple. We will be going to see our beloved friend in The Orangeburg Massacre play. They have surprises aligned up for us ladies throughout the weekend, therefore I am in utter anticipation. On Monday, we will be going to the State Fair. I cannot wait until this weekend! I am so excited and ready to have the time of my life!

Thank God for LOVE!

On Tuesday, October 12 2010, I went on a wonderful outing with my sweetheart Joshua. He took me to a beautiful neighborhood with a lake, where we walked on the dock and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I was overjoyed to be in his presence because he makes every day a great day for me. We've been really serious and have been discussing our future plans, but yesterday was extra special. As we were embracing one another, I began to cry because I couldn't believe how truly blessed I was to have him. All of a sudden, he got down on one knee and proposed to me on the dock. I was already in tears and I gladly accepted! We are truly "on cloud nine million" as he says. I am grateful to be so favored by God. He has blessed me with a man that seeks him first, then me. Together we walk in ministry and in the abundance of life. I am now officially engaged to the man of my prayers, and I can't wait to become Mrs. Joshua Jackson!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reflection of A Blessing

I am truly grateful to God because he is awesome! We don't give him enough honor and praise. I love him, and I am truly grateful for him having his hand over my life. God has always been present in my life, but he has truly showed out this year! God sent me the man he had for me! I would always pray for God to send me a husband that would have to go through him to get to me, and he did just that! I've joined the under-watch care membership of "The Feast of the Lord" Church where my fiance is the Youth Pastor and Minister. I have built close relationships with Godly people that build me up! I have been growing into a better individual and growing in my relationship with the Lord.

I believe and trust God, therefore I don't worry about anything! He is my provider and no weapon formed against me shall prosper! God has truly favored me. I will be getting married to the man that God designed just for me. It does not matter what people say or think, God has already confirmed! I am truly grateful. If God does nothing else for me, he's done enough!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Profile (Chauncey Woods)

Chauncey Woods was born in Atlanta Georgia on December 12, 1991. He is a freshman at Claflin University with a major in mass communications, and a concentration in public relations. He likes to DJ, and was a DJ at his high school. His aspirations are to be a famous DJ and radio personality in a large network. He also plans to own his own radio station and broadcasting school.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inverted Pyramid (Newspaper)

The local paper I examined was The Times and Democrat. The article I read was titled "Defense Points to Ohio Case as mirror image." The article focuses on the case of Shaquan Duley, a woman from Orangeburg SC, who was charged with the death of her two young sons. After reading the article I was able to take notes in the form of an inverted pyramid. The most important information in the article was the fact that Shaquan killed her two sons, and the connection between her case and the 2009 Ohio case. This is the most important thing because it's the topic of the article, and it's what attracts the readers. The next thing on the inverted pyramid would be the diagnosis with major depressive disorder and psychotic features. This would be the next important issue because it isn't the topic, but it is a supportive factor dealing with the case. The center of the pyramid is filled with supporting details and evidence. The last section of the pyramid is the fluffy stuff in the article which included the opinions of her neighbor which added emotion and sensitivity to the story, but weren't really vital. The inverted pyramid exercise was very helpful because it allowed me to have a better analysis of the material.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Matriculation Day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010 was Matriculation Day at Claflin University. I honestly didn't know what to expect. As I walked into the gym, I saw that the setting was a little more formal than I expected. The choir was perfectly aligned in their beautiful concert robes. I was excited and couldn't wait to get started.
The program was not all that I expected. Some of the speeches were pretty good, but the main speech was very prolonged and boring. I felt that there was not enough effort given to motivate the students and get us excited about the school year. I literally dosed off a couple of times, and every time I got myself together I felt like going asleep again.
For future references, the speaker should have more enthusiam and interaction with the students to ignite our energy and motivate our minds.